Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | lodestone | reckoner | sky | traffic light OCR: ukel 34 Saying Let [us] alone Luke|4 39 And he stood over her, and rebuked what have we to do with thee the fever, and it left. her and immediately she [thou] Jesus of Nazareth? thou aro se and ministered unto them the come One destroy of us? God know thee who thou art they Luke|4:40 that had Now any when sick the with sun was disea setting ses all Holy tart 35 And Jesus rebuked him, saying. Ho1d brought therm unto him, and he laid his hands thy peace, and come out of him And when the on every one of them, and heal led them devil had thrown him in the midst he came Luke|4:41 And devils also came ono of many tto of him, and hurt him not crying out, and saying Thou art Christ the Son Luke|4 36 And they were all atnazed and spake of God And he rebuking [therm] suffered thern arnong thernselve ...